The “Protecting our families through technology, E-Kids” solution was presented on 6 June 2024 in Mongolia, with the aim of raising awareness of the danger of the online environment and putting in place measures to ensure the safety of children. E-Kids” шийдэл танилцуулга 2024 оны 06 сарын 06-ний өдөр зохион байгуулагдав.
This activity involved the Committee on Innovation and Digital Policy, the Ministry of Digital Development, Innovation and Communication, the United Nations Children’s Fund in Mongolia, the “E-Mongolia Academy” a state-owned enterprise, the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of Mongolia, the National Police Agency, the General Department of Health Insurance, the General Register office, the Regulatory Agency of Government Digital Services, information and communication technology service providers, and government representatives for the protection of children’s right also attended. This represents more than 150 representatives of governmental and non-governmental organizations.
During the activity, as part of the E-Mongolia 4.0 reform, new services were introduced to enhance the integrated public service system in Mongolia. Including:
The E-Kids service
This program enables parents and guardians to receive emergency alerts about their child’s location, protect them from inappropriate online content, provide advice and information, file complaints with the Police Headquarters, and use digital study books for grades 1 to 12. It also includes a national social platform where children of the same age can connect, as well as an E-Kids program that introduces child protection resources and provides opportunities for parents to engage in conversations with their children.
Care Services:
In collaboration with the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection, the General Agency for Labor Welfare Services and Customs, Taxation and Financial Information Centre, the following benefits are provided:
- • Financial support from the fifth month of pregnancy through childbirth
- • Childcare allowance for children up to the age of 3
- • Preliminary information on the availability of old-age benefits through the E-Mongolia integrated government services system
Maternal and Child Health Book :
Mongolia is home to approximately 350,000 children aged between 0 to 5, and the “Pink Book”, as it is known to citizens, has been digitized. This digital version includes comprehensive information such as: • The mother’s birth and pregnancy details • Childbirth and post-partum information • The child’s growth and development chart • Vaccination records, Хүүхдийн мэдээлэл• A home visit schedule for children under two • Medical examination history • Guidance on infant nutritionүрдэнэ.
IMEI Registration
According to the General Police Directorate, 93,2% of pickpocketing incidents involve the loss of a mobile phone, with about 30% of these phones being recovered. To help prevent the purchase of stolen or damaged devices, E-Mongolia now offers an IMEI number verification service. To use this service, select ‘Lost and Stolen Mobile phone Data Verification” from the “Services” menu and enter the IMEI number of the device you wish to purchase to confirm it has not been reported as stolen. You can find your device’s IMEI number by dialing *#06# in the Settings menu.
The latest version (4.0) of the integrated government services system, which is “AI-powered and citizen-protecting”, now includes 1237 services from 86 organizations and is used by 1.8 million citizens.