Meeting with Seungwan Che, General Director of KOTRA Ulaanbaatar, South Korea

Registration for phase 2 of the capital kindergarten will be accepted via the E-Mongolia system starting from june 5th

For the 2024-2025 school year, 142150 children aged 2 to 5 are expected to enroll in kindergartens in the capital. Kindergarten registration is processed through the E-Mongolia integrated public services system and is organized in two phases. A total of 105044 children successfully submitted applications for the first round of registration via the E-Mongolia system between August 1 and 18.  

           The second round of registration will be accepted through the E-Mongolia system from September 5 to 15. This round is open to children who where not registered in the first phase, as well as to parents and guardians who have not yet submitted their applications, and citizens with temporary residence status.These individuals can apply for kindergarten admission by submitting their applications online.

Temporary residents must first be registered in the Population and Household Information System of the district committee where they currently reside.

If you experience difficulties submitting a kindergarten registration application via the E-Mongolia system, we recommend contacting the district’s working group for kindergartens for further assistance and guidance.

Thank you for your attention!