Meeting with Seungwan Che, General Director of KOTRA Ulaanbaatar, South Korea

Олон улсын симпозиумд илтгэл хэлэлцүүлэв

The International Symposium on Computer Science and Educational Technology (ISCSET) was inaugurated in 2011 as a summer school organized by two universities. Since then, it has grown significantly, with more universities and colleges participating each year. In 2014, a joint conference was held involving universities from Mongolia, Germany, Russia, and China. Over time, the summer school evolved into a full-scale symposium.

ISCSET focuses on three core fields: computer science, computer engineering, and educational technology. Over the past two decades, rapid technological advancements have enabled the integration of diverse technologies across various scientific and industrial sectors. This progress has led to significant transformations in the educational process. As the demand for skilled engineers and scientists grows to support technological advancements, it becomes increasingly important to integrate modern methodologies and technologies into higher education, especially in engineering disciplines. The three fields highlighted at ISCSET are pivotal in addressing these challenges, and the symposium aims to showcase both ongoing projects and emerging trends in these critical areas.

During the 13th International Symposium on Science, Engineering and Technology (ISCSET 2024), a collaborative work titled: “ ICT Framework for Formal and Non-Formal Educational Training in Mongolia” was presented by PhD M.Itgel, Director of the National Insitute for Educational Research; PhD B.Buyandelger, Head of Data Processing and System Development; V.Lut-Ochir, Head of the E-Skills Department at the “E-Mongolia Academy” a state-owned enterprise, and researcher E. Oyungoo.

2024 оны 07 дугаар сарын 17-19-ний хооронд холимог хэлбэрээр зохион байгуулагдсан тус симпозиумд “И-Монгол академи” УТҮГ-ын Цахим ур чадварын газрын Сургалтын хэлтсийн дарга В.Лут-Очир эрдэм шинжилгээний өгүүллээ амжилттай хэлэлцүүлэв.

The symposium saw active participation from experts and representatives from diverse countries, including Germany, Mongolia, China, France, Jordan, Algeria, Japan, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Bangladesh, India, Iraq, Turkey, Afghanistan, Iran, Tunisia, Pakistan, and Syria.

Notably, the symposium is recognized for its international prestige, being registered with IEEE and indexed in Scopus.

For more information about the International Symposium on Computer Science and Educational Technology (ISCSET), please visit

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