Meeting with Seungwan Che, General Director of KOTRA Ulaanbaatar, South Korea

Three social services have been digitized

According to the National Statistics Committee, in 2023, 2.7 million citizens benefited from social services.

In cooperation with the Ministry of Labor and Social Welfare the General Agency for Labor and Welfare Services, and the Customs, Taxation, and Financial Information Technology Center, three social protection services have been digitized.


  • • Benefits for the period from the fifth month of pregnancy to childbirth
  • • Childcare allowance for children aged 0 to 3 years
  • • Services such as old-age pensions, which can be accessed through E-Mongolia, the unified government services system

Үйлчилгээг авахын тулд “E-Mongolia” аппликейшнд өөрийн бүртгэлээрээ нэвтрэн орж хайлтын хэсэгт үйлчилгээний нэрийг оруулан хайлт хийснээр тус үйлчилгээнүүдийг авах боломжтой юм.

To access the services, simply log in to the E-Mongolia application with your account and enter the name of the service in the search field. Thanks to the digitization of social protection services, citizens can quickly receive social pensions, allowances, discounts, and assistance services provided by the government. This ensures transparency of information and allows citizens to easily access social protection services without needing to provide their personal information.

We are working to digitize services for citizens who require long-term care.

Thank you for your attention!

E-Mongolia Academy

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