Meeting with Seungwan Che, General Director of KOTRA Ulaanbaatar, South Korea

New service added: Verification of lost and stolen mobile phone information

According to the General Police Directorate,93.2% of pickpocketing incidents involve the loss of a mobile phone, with about 30% of these phones being recovered.

In cooperation with General Police Directorate and the Communication Regulatory Commission, efforts have been launched to quickly identify stolen mobile phones through communication and information exchange with mobile network operators.

As part of this initiative, citizens can now use the IMEI number verification service available through the E-Mongolia integrated government services system. This service helps prevent the purchase of stolen devices and protect consumers from potential losses. To use the service, log in to E-Mongolia with your account, select the “Verification of Lost or Stolen Mobile Phone Information” option in the service menu, and enter the IMEI number of the device you wish to purchase.

You can find the IMEI number of your device by dialing *#06# in the Settings menu. If your information is inconsistent, it is recommended to contact the police station where the information was registered.

The E-Mongolia 4.0 version of the integrated government services system, which is “AI-powered and citizen-protecting” now offers 1237 services from 86 organizations.

Thank you for your attention!