Meeting with Seungwan Che, General Director of KOTRA Ulaanbaatar, South Korea

“Хүүхэд таныг хамгаалъя” нээлттэй өдөрлөгт E-Mongolia, E-Kids нэгдлээ.

On the occasion of the “International Children’s Rights Day”, the third annual the “Protect Your Children” open day organized by the police and national military organizations in Sukhbaatar Square. During the event, the “E-Mongolia Academy” a state-owned enterprise, introduced citizens to the integrated public system of E-Mongolia service and provided instructions and tips on using child protection system, E-Kids service.

The Minister of Digital Development, Innovation and Communication, N. Uchral also presented details of the E-KIDS service. As part of the “E-skills” campaign, a 9b student at Orchlon International School, J.Solongo / winner of the Teen International Mongolia 2024/ educated the children on protecting minors in the online environment, information security and preventing peer-to-pair harassment.

Contact us if you would like to join the “Nation E-skills Campaign” and benefit from e-skills training for your organization or community.

Phone: 77111197-3


Happy International Children’s Right Day !

Thank you for your attention!