Meeting with Seungwan Che, General Director of KOTRA Ulaanbaatar, South Korea

Registration for the first-grade admission begins today accross the country

With less than a month remaining until the start of the 2024-2025 school year, a total of 77285 children will be enrolled in first grade at general education schools across the country, while 38398 children will be enrolled in public schools in Ulaanbaatar.

Enrollment by district:

  • 620 in Baganuur District
    • 113 in Bagakhangai District
    • 5807 in Bayangol District
    • 10425 in Bayanzurkh District
    • 882 in Nalaikh District
    • 7890 in Songinohairkhan District
    • 3178 in Sukhbaatar District
    • 6699 in Khan-Uul District
    • 2785 in Chingeltei District

In the previous year, 28979 children successfully completed their registration via the E-Mongolia integrated public service system.

This year, children born between January 1, 2018, and December 31, 2018, are eligible for electronic registration. However, children born in 2017 and those who are unable to register electronically must visit the public school in their district, bringing the necessary documents for themselves and their child.

First-grade registration will be conducted online through the national government services system, E-Mongolia, from August 12, 2024, to August 25, 2024. Before starting the registration process, the child’s enrollment status may fall into one of the following 7 categories:

Элсэлтийн бүртгэлийн хийлгэхийн өмнө хүсэлт гаргах гэж буй тухайн хүүхдийн хувьд элсэлтийн бүртгэлийн төлөв нь дараах 7 төрөлтэй байна. Үүнд:

  • Status 1: “Registration District Unknown” -/ Due to migration, the registration district school is currently unknown. Check again after 1:00 PM tomorrow/.
  • Status 2:  "Under Review" - / The school district is in the process of reviewing the decision regarding your child’s enrollment./
  • Status 3: “Suspended”- / The school district has temporarily suspended your child’s enrollment. Note: Please visit the school with your documents by... date../
  • Status 5: “Eligible for Enrollment” - /The school has been registered as a candidate, and you may proceed to confirm your child’s enrollment./
  • Төлөв 5: “Бүртгүүлэх боломжтой” – /Хамран сургах тойргийн сургууль нь элсэгчээр бүртгэсэн байна. Та элсэлтийн бүртгэлийг баталгаажуулах боломжтой./

For a child with this status, the “Confirm” and “Reject” buttons will be activated, allowing the parent or guardian to either confirm or reject the enrollment.

  • • After clicking the “Confirm” button, a prompt will appear: “Are you sure you want to confirm your registration?” A warning window will then appear with the option “Yes” or “No”.
    • o If “Yes” is selected, a message will display: “ Your enrollment confirmation request has been accepted.”. The request will then be submitted by clicking the “I Understand” button. At this point, the enrollment status will be updated to “Enrollment Confirmed”.
    • o If “No” is selected, the system will redirect you to the “Enrollment Information” section.
    • • After clicking the “Reject” button, a prompt will appear:” Are you sure you want to cancel your child’s enrollment?” along with a warning window featuring the options “ Yes”or “No”. o If “Yes” is selected, a message will display: “Your enrollment rejection request has been received.” The request will then be submitted by clicking the “I Understand” button. At this point, the enrollment status will be updated to “Enrollment rejected”.
    • o Id “No” is selected, you will be redirected to the “Enrollment Information” section.
  • Төлөв 6: • Status 6: “ Enrollment Rejected”- / The enrollment has been rejected at the request of the parents or guardians. Note: You may modify your rejection request to confirm your child’s enrollment.?

• Status 7: “Enrollment Approved” - / The enrollment for first grade in the public general education school has been approved./ This status will be displayed.

  • • After clicking the “Confirm” button, a prompt will appear: “Are you sure you want to confirm your registration?” A warning window will then appear with the option “Yes” or “No”.
    • o If “Yes” is selected, a message will display: “ Your enrollment confirmation request has been accepted.”. The request will then be submitted by clicking the “I Understand” button. At this point, the enrollment status will be updated to “Enrollment Confirmed”.
  • Төлөв 7: “Элсэлт батлагдсан”-/Төрийн өмчийн ерөнхий боловсролын сургуулийн нэгдүгээр ангийн элсэлтийн бүртгэл батлагдсан./ төлөв харуулна.

If you are unable to complete the online registration, you may visit the nearest public school with your child’s or guardian’s documents to confirm or cancel the registration with the assistance of the support team.

Thank you for your attention!

E-Mongolia Academy

Одоогоор сул орон тоо байхгүй байна.