Welfare Services for Citizens in Need of Permanent Care Added to E-Mongolia Platform

Байнгын асаргааны тэтгэмжийн үйлчилгээ цахимжлаа

According to Resolution No. 237 issued by the Government of Mongolia on June 21, 2023, the government has approved monthly allowances ranging from 275,000 to 302,500 MNT for citizens in need of permanent care.

Article 3.1.6 of the Law on Social Welfare stipulates that "a citizen in need of constant care is a person who is unable to perform daily activities independently without the assistance of others, or who has an intellectual disability or a severe mental disorder." Furthermore, a monthly cash allowance is provided to the caregiver of such a citizen.

There are 65.9 thousand citizens who care for individuals in need of permanent care (such as elderly or disabled citizens) or children in difficult situations, as well as elderly individuals or disabled persons who lack family support. 

The above-mentioned social welfare service is jointly digitized with the General Office for Labour and Welfare Services.

The service includes:

  • 16 хүртэлх насны хүүхэд /сар бүр олгох тэтгэмж/
  • Ахмад настан /улиралд нэг удаа олгох тэтгэмж/
  • Хөгжлийн бэрхшээлтэй иргэн /улиралд нэг удаа олгох тэтгэмж/-ийн үйлчилгээнүүдийг төрийн үйлчилгээний нэгдсэн систем E-Mongolia-аас авах боломжтой боллоо.

To access these services, you can log into the "E-Mongolia" system using your registered address, enter the name of the service you wish to receive in the search field and proceed accordingly.

With the digitization of social welfare services, citizens can access government-provided welfare services promptly, ensuring transparency of information and facilitating easy access without the need for repetitive submission of personal information to the government.

Thank you for your attention!