Meeting with Seungwan Che, General Director of KOTRA Ulaanbaatar, South Korea

In 2025, we will work together with the Minister of Digital Development, Innovation and Communications, Mr. Ts. Baatarhuu, and key private sector leaders to drive the acceleration of digitalization and implement international best practices

Interview with Mr. B. Myagmarnaran, Director of the "E-Mongolia Academy" state owned enterprise, on the achievements of the unified government service system, E-Mongolia, in 2024 and the major changes planned for 2025.

How do you reflect on and bid farewell to your achievements in 2024?

For the "E-Mongolia Academy," 2024 has been a year marked by significant accomplishments. We successfully launched the E-Mongolia 4.0 version to the public. Additionally, in collaboration with relevant agencies, we digitized 133 essential services that addressed key needs for citizens. Some examples include:

  • • Re-registration of diplomas,
  • • Issuing certificates for passing civil service exams and being listed in the reserve pool,
  • • Salary certificates for civil servants,  
  • • Employment verification certificates for civil servants currently in service,
  • • Enabling businesses to obtain digital copies of their company regulations.As a result, daily usage of the E-Mongolia system continues to grow, with an average of over 2 million services being accessed each month by more than 600,000 citizens.

What major changes and innovations are you planning for 2025?

         In partnership with the Ministry of Digital Development, Innovation, and Communications, our primary goal for the coming year is to further support the private sector, accelerate digital transformation, and collaborate with leading private sector organizations to deliver key services. We also plan to introduce international best practices in artificial intelligence (AI) to Mongolia and extend the services available in our system to other developing countries.

         For 2025, we aim to shift from citizens having to actively search for the services they need to proactively offering tailored services based on their needs. By leveraging AI, we will deliver government services that are more personalized and accessible. Just last week, we integrated data on the Wealth Fund and Savings Fund into the E-Mongolia system. As a result, citizens can now easily access their Wealth Fund information directly from their personal profile section. On December 27, 2024, in collaboration with the Ministry of Digital Development, Innovation, and Communications, as well as the Ministry of Family, Labour, and Social Protection, we launched pension fund information, allowing citizens contributing to social insurance to view their pension balances. Moving forward, we are committed to identifying and digitizing essential services to ensure they are easily accessible to citizens.    

What stage has the digitalization of government services in Mongolia reached?

          Since its launch on October 1, 2020, the E-Mongolia system has successfully delivered 63 million services to citizens and legal entities. Over the past four years, the system has grown significantly, with the number of users reaching 1.9 million. This makes E-Mongolia the largest system in Mongolia, with one in every five adults utilizing it.

By using the E-Mongolia platform, citizens now receive services in an average of just 5 minutes, significantly reducing the time from the previous 2 hours and 30 minutes. This digital transformation not only saves valuable time but also helps citizens avoid traffic congestion and reduce costs.

For example, between 2020 and 2024, the following savings were made:

• Time savings from waiting to receive government services: MNT 1,198,674,178,181

• Paper-related costs: MNT 5,683,927,568 • Travel expenses for visiting service providers: MNT 79,555,943,785

In total, over MNT 1,283,914,049,534 was saved.

Mongolia has made notable progress in the global rankings, moving up 28 spots to 46th place out of 193 countries in the e-Government Development Index. Additionally, the country ranks 67th out of 132 countries in the Global Innovation Index and has received international recognition, including the "Open Governance Award" and the "Global Government Excellence Award."

Looking ahead, we are committed to making government services even more accessible, enhancing efficiency, and improving the overall productivity of the public sector.

What are some of the latest notable services offered?

As of today, the E-Mongolia system has successfully integrated 1,263 services from 87 different organizations. With the growing number of services, there has been a corresponding rise in demand and the necessity to streamline these services. Our sector, in collaboration with other key stakeholders, continues to lead the digital transformation effort, ensuring that government services are more accessible and user-friendly for citizens.

One of the most significant indicators of our progress is the international recognition we’ve received. In the 2022 UN e-Government Development Index, Mongolia ranked 74th. By 2024, we had advanced 28 places, reaching 46th in the global ranking and joining the top 50 countries for e-Government development worldwide. This achievement is a direct result of the strategic efforts made by our sector, working alongside other organizations to foster collaboration and innovation. I would like to express my gratitude to all those involved in this success.  

Thank you for your attention!

E-Mongolia Academy

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