Meeting with Seungwan Che, General Director of KOTRA Ulaanbaatar, South Korea

In Mongolia, it is possible to submit new applications for land ownership electronically

In 2023, 57,534 applications for new land ownership were received across Mongolia. In accordance with the Land Law, these applications will be processed electronically to address the general needs of citizens and families, as reflected in the current year’s land management plan.

To use the service, log in to your account via the and websites, an application file will be created in the electronic system, and you can submit your application by selecting the location of the land and the destination of the land.

As an option, only bags or khoroos with planned land will be displayed. If no bag/khoroo is visible, it means that no land plan or planned land allocation has been completed.

If the request is sent successfully, a notification will be sent to the registered phone number. After confirmation of the selected location within 5 days, the registration application will be created in the electronic system, the land acquisition application form and the cadastral plan will be automatically attached to your information, and the governor of the local committee will make a decision within 15 days. нутаг дэвсгэрийн баг хорооны засаг дарга 15 хоногийн дотор шийдвэрлэнэ.

If you are unable to apply online, you can send your civil registration number to Sum or district’s office where you live.
For more information on land acquisition applications, call 1900-0101.
Link to the service (website access only) :…/–shineer-gazar-ezemshikh-erkh……/–shineer-gazar-ezemshikh-erkh…

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