Meeting with Seungwan Che, General Director of KOTRA Ulaanbaatar, South Korea

Published a research paper in International Journal of Engineering, Science and Technology

The 12th International Science and Engineering Technology Symposium (ICSET 2023) was held in the Federal Republıc of Germany between 5th and 7th of July 2023. 

The research paper titled Structural framework for universal information, communication and technology capabilities applied internationally in States was a joint work of the researchers of Department of digital Literacy of “E-Mongolia Academy” SOE and National Education Research Center. It was presented at the symposium above and published in the Journal “Special Issue – ISCSET 2023 Embedded Selforganising Systems''. 

The research paper states that international organizations and the private sector have developed a structural framework for e-skills in order to provide e-skills to citizens around the world and evaluate the level of e-skills education. In addition, 12 frameworks for ICT qualification, which are widely used internationally and issued by leading countries and private sector organizations in terms of citizens’ ICT qualifications, were studied. In this way, it greatly contributes to the process of defining and developing the structural framework of public information, communication and technological capabilities of Mongolian citizens.

Participants of Germany, France, China, Mongolia, Jordan, Algeria, Japan, Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan attended and presented their research papers at the symposium. You can access the participants’ articles published in the Journal “Special Issue – ISCSET 2023 Embedded Selforganising Systems” from the link here.  

Thank you for your attention!