Meeting with Seungwan Che, General Director of KOTRA Ulaanbaatar, South Korea

Students can order their discount bus card online from September 14

Students of universities, colleges, professional and technical educational institutions will travel by public transport 44 times a month with a discount.

In 2023-2024 school year, orders for bus discount cards will be accepted online through the E-Mongolia platform, which is a state electronic unified service system, starting from September 14. 

E-Mongolia platform can be used to order online only for new students enrolled in undergraduate/diploma/ day classes of universities and colleges, if they are going to get the card for the first time. Students who meet this requirements should log in to the E-Mongolia mobile application and the portal and select the "Student Bus Card Order" service to order their card. 

Students who have previously obtained a discount bus card need to contact the Capital city service centers when re-ordering. However, if the student information is not registered, please contact the relevant office of the school to check the information. 

Also, students with discount cards can activate their cards by going to Umoney card sales and top-up points and mobile points operating in their universities. 

These activities are being carried out by Government of Mongolia within the framework of the implementation of Resolution No.111 "On Certain Measures to be Taken Regarding Students" which is dated March 29, 2023. 

"Ulaanbaatar Smart Card" LLC has announced that discount and incentive program would be implemented throughout the year in order to solve the social problems of students as well as to improve the learning environment.

Click here how to order a student bus card through the E-Mongolia platform! link дарж танилцана уу!

Thank you for your attention!