E-Mongolia Academy organized a training course with aim to improve the information, technology and digital skills of visually impaired people which held from 15 May to 22 June, 2023.
4 people with visual impairments participated in the 72-hour theoretical and practical course titled as “Accessible technology” and received their certificates today. Buyandelger Enkhjargal, trainer of Department for Digital literacy of the E-Mongolia Academy, qualified teacher of accessible technology, as well as member of the Mongolian National association of the Blind was worked as a trainer. The training course includes the following contents:
- Use the computer applications;
- Work in internet environment;
- Work with assistive devices for the visually impaired people;
- Access with mobile phones;
- Evaluate the website accessibility.
By learning these contents, the trainees were able to use screen readers without any barrier, recognize the information and apply, process, share and send any information in according to their needs.
The training was organized by Department for Digital Literacy and Department conducts training and activities in the field of improving public information, communication and technology skills and has provided training course for 25,984 citizens since 2022.