Meeting with Seungwan Che, General Director of KOTRA Ulaanbaatar, South Korea

“Develop together in Erdenet-2023” economic forum

Representatives of E-Mongolia Academy have participated in the economic forum "Develop together in Erdenet-2023” from 15 to 18 of June and this forum has been organized in the framework of the Mongolia's long-term development policy "Vision 2050", New Revival Policy, main direction of development of Orkhon aimag. 

During the forum, “Smart Erdenet” expo, “E-transition of local area” and Open Doors event were organized. At those events, the updated version 3.0 of the E-Mongolia platform was presented and instructions were given to citizens on how to install and use the application on mobile phones 

The purpose of the forum is to accelerate the social economic development in provinces, to support enterprises as well as to expand the foreign relations and cooperation of Orkhon province for increasing the possibility of attracting the investment. 

More than 100 representatives from over 20 organizations such as Ministry of Digital development and communications, Ministry of Economic Development, United Nations Children’s Fund in Mongolia, Mongolian Academy of Sciences, “Erdenet” SOE, Accelerator Center for New revival policy, E-Mongolia Academy have participated in the forum and given speeches as well as exchanged opinions on social, economic, digital transition, and regional development.

Thank you for your attention!