Meeting with Seungwan Che, General Director of KOTRA Ulaanbaatar, South Korea

Student – soldier registration will be accepted through the E-Mongolia system

Requests for student military registration of first level will be accepted through the E-Mongolia system from 12:00pm on March 6 to 17:00pm on March 10.

According to the "Student-Soldier Training Regulations" approved by Government Resolution No. 32 of 2017, students who send requests must meet the following requirements. It includes:

  • First year student at an accredited university in Ulaanbaatar
  • GPA above 2.8
  • Be 18 years old before June 15, 2023
  • Must paid the health insurance

The Ministry of Defense will decide the student request of primary registration from March 12th to March 17th, and then the response to the request will be sent to the e-mail address and E-Mongolia system.

Please call 18001144 of Ministry of Defense to get information about the primary registration of the military student.

A student who has attended the "Student-Soldier" training is registered as a first-class preparatory officer for mobilization.

Thank you for your attention!

E-Mongolia Academy

Одоогоор сул орон тоо байхгүй байна.