Meeting with Seungwan Che, General Director of KOTRA Ulaanbaatar, South Korea

"Ability Expo 2023" was Organized to Support Sustainable Development, Equal Participation, and Diversity

The "Ability Expo 2023" activity, aimed at fostering education and employment opportunities for people with disabilities, as well as presenting technological solutions to the challenges they may face, was organized on November 26th. 

Representatives from the "E-Mongolia Academy" SOE introduced services that provide technological solutions to the challenges faced by people with disabilities, explore necessary future solutions, and exchange opinions. 

Within the framework of E-Mongolia 3.0, development was undertaken using the international standard WCAG, now enabling visually impaired individuals to utilize the system through screen reader programs. Additionally, the digitization of the disability identity card and the certificate for determining incapacity rates has been implemented.

During the activity organized under the slogan "All Problems Are Possibilities," discussions were held on various essential topics. These included equal participation from both the public and private sectors, promoting accessibility, encouraging companies to fulfill their social responsibilities at a high level through policies, implementing job opportunities, and ensuring safety, among others. 

The "Ability Expo-2023" was jointly organized by the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection, the Ministry of Digital Development and Communication, the Ministry of Education and Science, and civil society organizations. 

Thank you for your attention!